Opening Insights: Stars and Stripes No Longer
If you want total security, go to prison.
There you're fed, clothed, given medical care and so on.
The only thing lacking... is freedom.
Would you believe it if I told you that the current state of fear and violence in America is a planned event. It was carefully designed, orchestrated and implemented by the very same people who attempted the overthrow of the United States of America in the 1960's.
The strategy has changed but the intentions are consistent, destroy the USA:
- Promote anarchy,
- Destroy US infrastructure, then when the smoke clears
- Institute tyrannical rule of all US citizens (erase liberty, freedom and choice)
Can we alter the course of a nation bent on self-destruction? A return to sanity will only happen if we address some foundation elements first. Read on to learn more about what happened and what can be done about it.
Former Speaker of the House, Newt Gingrich, outlines the cold, calculated and very purposeful direction of our current state of fear and violence in the following article for Newsweek.
Informational Insights: Purposeful Destruction
The following article was published by Newsweek, "a premier news magazine and website." It was written by Newt Gingrich, a Newsweek contributor and former United States of America Speaker of the House.
The level of violence we are seeing around America cannot be understood and analyzed as a normal event within a free society.
Kenosha, Wisconsin Police Chief Daniel Miskinis reports that of the 200 people arrested in Kenosha so far, more than half were from out of the city. In fact, those arrested and processed have been from 44 different cities.
In Portland, 50 years of pro-radical mayors have led to 97 straight nights of violence, culminating in the deliberate killing of a supporter of President Donald Trump. Mayor Ted Wheeler's press conference was a classic case of pathos and weakness. It's no use begging people to quit being violent when it is clear they are deliberately being violent. Parts of downtown Portland are controlled by Antifa and its allies, and they have repudiated the rule of law in favor of the rule of their anarchist violence.
In Seattle, the mayor's "summer of love" turned into murders and destruction, as a significant part of downtown Seattle had effectively seceded from the city and was run by local radicals based on their own use of force. It took weeks for the city's radical leadership to clear the blocks, and weeks more to deal with the destruction left behind.
In Chicago, the mayor had already lost control of most of the South Side to random criminals and a horrifying murder rate of children and innocent adults. Then, she lost control of the highest-value retail streets in the city, as the mob looted. The best the police could do was to draw up bridges and try to make it hard for the violent looters to get into the highest-value stores. Now she has diverted police resources to blocking off the street her house is on—so at least she is relatively safe.
In New York, the police department budget cuts, constant attacks on the police and the passage of a no cash-bail law (which effectively automatically puts criminals back on the street) have all combined to make the city so dangerous that people are moving out in record numbers.
In our nation's capital, people leaving the White House after the president's speech last Thursday night found themselves running a gauntlet of vicious and sometimes violent anti-Americans. The case of Sen. Rand Paul and his wife being harassed and threatened has gotten a lot of publicity. Even more disturbing was the harassment of Alice Johnson, the 65-year-old African-American who was granted clemency by President Trump last year, and Georgia legislator Vernon Jones, who has opposed mob violence throughout the country. A group threatened them, called them vicious names and tried to intimidate them.
Remember, a terroristic threat is a crime. Assault and battery require a physical attack. A charge of terroristic threats requires that your words indicate a willingness to do imminent harm. All these intimidating attacks should be subject to prosecution.
With all this happening, what do you think is going on?
We are living through an anti-American insurgency with roots in the 1960s—and with many parallels to the violence of the late 1960s and early 1970s. In that era, there were more than 2,500 bombings in the United States in an 18-month period between 1971 and 1972. There were violent rebellions on campuses. There were armed robberies and guards killed in the name of "the revolution." There was a Black Panther movement publicly trying to kill police. When society finally had enough—and the forces of civilization were directed to identify and arrest the violent and the advocates of violence—the movement was fairly rapidly suppressed, and the violence ended.
The new anti-American rebellion is better organized, better connected, more widespread and has a lot more strategic thinking than its precursor did in the 1960s.
Historians will marvel at the resilience of the anti-Americans and the diligence with which they worked for the last half-century to infiltrate American campuses, newsrooms and the political class. The result is a much more sophisticated, better resourced and more strategically planned set of activities designed to cripple and undermine the American system.
We are living through a series of assaults on American society. The classrooms undermine and discredit the idea of America. Most of the propaganda media denies the scale of violence happening—and, whenever possible, blames either the police generally or President Trump specifically.
Peaceful demonstrators play the role that Lenin described as fellow travelers. They don't go around looting, destroying and burning—but they provide the cover for those who do.
The violent come in several forms.
Some are hardened Antifa-style revolutionaries who are openly committed to destroying America and eager to be violent anywhere, anytime and for any excuse.
Some are opportunists who enjoy bullying and dominating and get a kick out of hurting and intimidating others (watch the mob behavior in pressuring others to do what they are told or face consequences, including physical attack).
Some are genuine organized criminals who profit from joining the supposedly peaceful demonstrators until they come to a store window and have a chance to loot. The amount of stolen property is astonishing. Now, a book, In Defense of Looting, comes along to legitimize theft and destruction—and National Public Radio puts the author on the air to explain the pro-looting position. (NPR has since re-worked the story after being criticized for promoting criminal behavior.)
Finally, other random criminals can become more predatory and violent because the riots and demonstrations have pulled the police away from neighborhoods. The innocent and the unprotected can be preyed upon safely while the police focus on centers of looting and burning.
The inability of the police to protect the innocent is made even greater by the Left's commitment to defund the police—and constantly bombard them with hostility and verbal attacks.
Furthermore, strengthening the police will not work if the district attorneys and judges refuse to lock up the violent and predatory people who are arrested. George Soros has poured millions into electing radical left-wing prosecutors who simply refuse to prosecute criminals. When predators know there are no costs to their crimes, they are emboldened to become even more aggressive and violent. I wrote about all of this in my new book, Trump and the American Future.
The new, greater sophistication of the anti-American Left has created a guerrilla war movement across America.
This is truly a war between the forces of civilization and the forces of anarchy and tyranny (historically, anarchy is quickly replaced by tyranny).
Those of us who believe in civilization and the rule of law simply must win—or America as we know it will cease to exist.
This article originally appeared in NEWSWEEK: America's Fight: Civilization Versus Anarchy | Opinion
Possibilities for Consideration: Preserving Community and Principles

In the 1960's the Left tried to overthrow the US, but they weren't successful. The American people and their foundation of principles were too strong.
The US and freedom prevailed.
Just because they weren't successful in the 60's doesn't mean they gave up. Over the next 60 years the Left have planted their seeds and infiltrated the foundation institutions responsible for shaping the American youth (education, technology, media, politics).
Now the US is weakened and socially conditioned to accept (not resist) the Left's present attack on the US, the Constitution and American freedom.
Let us review their arsenal of destruction:
- Racism
- Sexism
- Classism
- Anarchism
- Narcissism
- Alcoholism
- Entitlement
- Opioid Addiction
- Political Correctness
- Propaganda fueled by the power of traditional, social and digital media platforms

But... I Kicked the Habit
Their footprints are clear in our history, as illustrated by the development and exploitation of addiction (letting no crisis go to waste). Read But... I Kicked the Habit to learn more.
The wide use and cultural acceptance of street drugs led to our current opioid epidemic. It turns out that it's easy to kill a lot of Americans with drugs. If your agenda is to plant the seeds of unrest, spread fear and reduce the population, then dis-empowering Americans and hooking them on controlled substances is a very effective tool.
Learn more about America's addiction epidemic:
- What is the Success Rate of Recovery in AA?
- A Wolf in Sheep's Clothing
- Working on Addiction in the Workplace
- The NEW Replacement for Prescription Drugs…
Now, we are divorcing Americans from their spiritual foundation by the elimination of religious freedom in public places. That was a real foundation necessity for our founding fathers. Religious freedom is a large reason why America exists in the first place. That freedom is now on the chopping block.
Now Americans believe in nothing, and even if they did believe in something, in our current politically correct climate of fear, they are unable to defend their beliefs. When you are unable/unwilling to defend what you believe in, you are, by default, accepting the challenging ideal and/or accepting the destruction of that belief.
When you believe in nothing, then there is no hope. When there is no hope, there are only victims. The manufacture of victims has been going on for as long as we've had psychologists and is perpetuated by a culture of entitlement.
Though her enlightening book was met with much acclaim... NOTHING CHANGED.
Changing our Direction
What can be done to pull the United States of America out of it's nose dive to destruction?

Understanding How
We Repeat History
The following text was selected from Understanding How We Repeat History, an eMod eBook™ ePublished in the AwareComm® Collaboration Laboratory (Co-Lab™) Research Institute.
For people caught in the treacherous web of social conditioning (Control Wheel) and have, as a result, cultivated a mindset of Adaptive Resistance (AdR™), a countering process is designed, packaged and implementable.

If AdR™ is the resistance to change then Adaptive Intelligence (AdI™) is the readiness for and acceptance of change that we need in order to take charge of our lives and our organizations.
Through a careful blend of AI + BI + HI + SI the Co-Lab™ Research Institute has the correct balance of technology, methodology, human understanding, spiritual principles and data science to put us on the right track to individual social and cultural empowerment.

See AdI™ in Action – the Steps of Cultural Empowerment…

- We see choices that we never saw before.
- We are able to make our own decisions.
- We are able to experience a sense of courage and well-being without dependency on people, places, and things.
- We are able to let go of responsibilities for which we have no authority.
- We are able to feel and accept trust / love from our superiors, peers, and subordinates.
- Acceptance becomes something we are able to give to our superiors, peers, and subordinates instead of something we seek.
- Discovery becomes a perspective from which we simply know things to be true, without having the need for understanding or having things proven.
To implement this solution on a global scale the Pope requested the Microsoft develop the ‘Good Algorithm.’ Microsoft agreed. A select group of top data scientists, led by AwareComm®, has delivered this request. Packaged into Microsoft Teams, this algorithm delivers a powerful and most-needed methodology for the world using AI + BI + HI + SI to create AdI™.

A Dream Awakened
A pilot program has been selected in Uganda (a country with a history of war and civil divide).
The plan is complete and implementation is in the initial stages.
To learn how to implement this methodology in other countries the Uganda project has invited other entities (faith-based organizations) to join and become part of the most important application of technology for the right reasons.
This technology is delivered through community partnerships with a Collaboration Laboratory (Co-Lab™) Research Institute. The Co-Lab™ Research Institute contributes the founding software, the strategy and the global network.

The founders recognize that with great power comes great responsibility and have taken on the role of auditor to keep track of how the data is collected and used as part of their dedication to social responsibility.
What Will You Do?
A 2-Billion-dollar 33-year-old
Overnight Socially Responsible Start-up
Collaborative (Co-Lab™) Research Institute

Symbiotic Community Partnerships
AwareComm® developed a well-defined, tested strategy and an implementation/application plan. We are now assembling the Start-up dimensions:
- Socially Responsible Advisory Team
- Business Advisor Strategy Team
- Operating Management Team
- Financial Affiliations
You are invited to a Teams 20/20 Meeting to explore this opportunity further.

We are not asking for help. We are inviting a select group who are dedicated to solving the social, spiritual and economic challenges that our world faces today through implementation of a Co-Lab™ Research Institute.
The Pilot

A Dream Awakened
The Pilot in Action

God Can't Be Stopped

Finding the Tools
Today's Challenge
Rebuilding a Community
Building a Township
Rebuilding a Nation

Agriculture in Uganda
Add Your Insight
Take a moment and examine…
- As you reviewed the material above, what stood out to you?
- What is the potential impact, economically and/or socially?
- What action is needed to stop or support this idea?
- You may want to consider whether you:
- want to be aware of,
- should become supportive of,
- would want to be active in this topic?
I have been impressed with the urgency of doing. Knowing is not enough; we must apply.
Being willing is not enough; we must do.