Adaptive Intelligence (AdI™) for Microsoft Teams
Ethics change with technology.
When the panic from the COVID-19 pandemic dictated that people remain sequestered in their homes, for their own protection, work-from-home programs soon became the norm. Not only were many jobs adjusted to accommodate work-from-home requirements, education and general socialization quickly adopted similar models.

AwareComm® built its Adaptive Intelligence (AdI™) solution into an app accessible in the Microsoft Teams platform, turning an already tremendous productivity machine into a learning and delivery system for AwareComm's proven 'Good Algorithm'.
AwareComm® tapped into the incredible Teams resource to build its latest collaborative application. The AdI™ app, available as a side-load for authorized members, offers a process of learning that unfolds and becomes embedded in our thinking as we apply it to specific pain points.
Additionally, the AI + BI + HI + SI = AdI™ algorithm is proven to make Tele-culture more effective, expand commerce and strengthen solidarity.
The AI + BI + HI + SI = AdI™ algorithm
is a blend of sociology, philosophy and theology into an interdependent ecosystem.

Life delivers many challenges, sometime we win sometimes we lose.
Let's take a moment and examine what there is to learn from this natural everyday process.

Let's put this into action...
It begins with the tools to identify
A Thought
and to explore the thought with
Awareness Thinking.

You Don't Have to Be A Data Scientist
To Access the Secrets of Data Science
How do I turn
this technology and methodology
into deliverable answers?
If you feel powerless to change things in your life...
and are prevented from taking charge of your life...
...then you've reached a Dead End.

Let's put this into action with your SOS agent.
Thought leads to thinking and the following Thought-Thinking Map presents a structure for identifying and thinking about a problem.

If you don't understand why (the thinking process)
you won't comply (with the solution).
When the Thought-Thinking Map has been completed and the thinking process experienced – expanding on the elements that relate to the problem - then it's time to flip it over and see what the opposite thinking looks like.
The Pathway to Developing AdI™
You cannot see the stars without the darkness of the night sky.
Identifying AdR™ is the pathway to developing AdI™. You cannot develop AdI™ without going through the gateway of AdR™. You cannot get diversity unless you go though the gateway of adversity.
Once the problem and all of its elements are clearly defined, the Thought-Thinking Map guides users to seek out the complements to each contributing element. Therefore, the map to the problem, when followed in reverse, becomes a map to the solution!
A problem well stated is a problem half-solved.
Let's begin to convert the illusion (the problem) so you can see is as an opportunity.
Close your eyes and take 30 seconds to relax. Now...

Convert Have To into Chose To… explore the concept of choice. If you had the power to do something, because YOU wanted to do it, BECAUSE...
- you want to do something different to fix the same problem – using a different strategy
- you want to take charge and MAKE A DECISION to reverse or neutralize the problem – instead of managing the problem
After making a decision, re-evaluate your decision by examining your:
- Clarity – Check all the details of your decision
- Conviction – Re-assess WHY you have made THAT decision
Let Go of emotions that make you FEEL. Examine yourself to confirm SELF TRUST. Establish a posture of acceptance of difference. Embrace the miracle of DISCOVERY.
To learn more about this simple but direct process, connect with an SOS Professional.

It's Now Time to Dig a Little Deeper
Explore the Following Information on Your Own
Connect with the SOS Team for a Personal Experience

Applying the 'Good Algorithm' in Co-Labs™
By adding the AdI™ app to Microsoft Teams,
AwareComm® has fertilized and enriched the soil to be capable of growing
Collaboration Laboratory (Co-Lab™) Research Institutes
in order to solve the most pressing challenges facing the world today.

The Co-Lab™ establishes an environment where the equal exchange of perspectives may be practiced between teachers and their students. In the Co-Lab™ environment, the exchange between members is about understanding, gaining insight and the sharing (and explaining) of perspectives. Another word for this is communication, and real communication is about education, not about agreement.
Applying the AdI™ Process
Much like the Thought-Thinking Map process illustrated earlier, The AdI™ Process is one that clearly defines the problem so as to empower solution-seekers to achieve resolution. In fact, it is the implementation of the Thought-Thinking Map process...
...which is the practical implementation of the Scientific Method.

A Powerful Microsoft Research and Development Partner
In addition to having the full Microsoft business and productivity platform behind it, Teams is capable of expanding its functionality through plug-ins.

AwareComm®, a powerful Microsoft research and development partner, created a plug-in to showcase and deliver its technology, methodology, human understanding and data science platform proven to identify and address Adaptive Resistance (AdR™) through use of its AI + BI + HI + SI = AdI™ algorithm.

If AdR™ is the resistance to change then Adaptive Intelligence (AdI™) is the readiness for and acceptance of change that we need in order to take charge of our lives and our organizations.
Through a careful blend of AI + BI + HI + SI the Co-Lab™ Research Institute has the correct balance of technology, methodology, human understanding, spiritual principles and data science to put us on the right track to individual social and cultural empowerment.

Co-Lab™ Tools for Change in a Changing World
COVID-19 leaves a residue of fear called Adaptive Resistance (AdR™). It affects everyone’s ability to:
- Trust their teammates – Employment
- Trust their medical council – Health
- Trust their teacher/mentor – Life Skill
- Trust their financial advisor – Wealth
- Trust their legal advisor – Freedom of Choice
- Trust others that are different – Diversity-Adversity
- Trust their own wisdom and ability to discern YES or NO! – Self Esteem
AdR™ affects and infects our ability to:
- Hear (Awareness)
- Understand (Reasoning)
- Remember/Recall (Smarts)
- Apply Sound Advice (Intelligence)
- Repeat the Insight and do what works again (Wisdom)
We lack tools for change -- Adaptive Intelligence :
- What we can change (…and what not to change)
- Why we can change it
- How we can change it
- When we can change it
We must evolve existing online environments to follow a methodology for responsible communication and raise Adaptive Intelligence (AdI™). This allows all participants to become empowered with a readiness for change and an ability to accept, adapt and sustain change (assess-discern-implement and confirm).
Adaptive Intelligence (AdI™) Algorithm

A team of top Microsoft Social Data Scientists brought together their combined knowledge. They took AI + BI and added HI + SI to create an AdI™ algorithm to support Whole Brain Functionality.
They developed a methodology using Application eMods™ that empower people to easily:
- Unlearn old habits
- Re-learn new principles
- Support, Assess and Apply to sustain change
Want to learn how to apply the AdI™ Process using the Co-Lab™ tools? You may want guidance from the well-trained Solutions Oriented Support (SOS) staff members. See next page to learn more.
Solutions Oriented Support

Every Teams plugin comes with a full support package backed by a mature multi-gold Microsoft Partner. The highly trained Solutions Oriented Support (SOS) staff members are available to serve as navigators, advisors, mentors and more.
Solution Oriented Support (SOS) – Supporting Content Developers in the Co-Lab™ Process (SOS Theory, SOS Millennial Guide...and more) as they convert content and build an SOS Team:
- SOS Navigator Buddy – "I need an App guide."
- SOS Advisor Buddy – "I need advice on direction."
- SOS Technical Buddy – "I need IT help and guidance."
- SOS Coaching Buddy – "I need suggestions on action."
- SOS Consultant Buddy – "I need a partner for contribution."
SOS members provide valuable insight and will guide you and your team through a comprehensive library of published content, courseware, articles, eBooks and more. SOS members don't just talk about the problem, they are Solution-Oriented, and provide guidance through a problem, answers, solution process to ensure the very best solution is chosen.
Examine the Mentor-Driven Cultures eMod eBook™
on the left to learn more about AwareComm's Intelligent Support and SOS Mentorship.
Building Better Teams
Microsoft Teams with the AwareComm® AdI™ plugin can help organizations identify and resolve Adaptive Resistance (AdR™) while instilling and expanding Adaptive Intelligence (AdI™) in individuals, teams and cultures.

This algorithm can be added to existing education/training materials to enhance effectiveness and convert proven wisdom into tools for change in a changing world.

This powerful breakthrough is available using the Microsoft Teams App as a conversational team building feature that asks the question… “Would it be helpful to you if you understood not just what your teammates thought, but how your teammates thought?"

Would this insight better prepare you to be more effective in your presentations and conversations with your teammates when you are presenting a new idea or just a change in an existing situation?

Implementing the Platform

A Dream Awakened
A pilot program has been selected in Uganda (a country with a history of war and civil divide).
The plan is complete and implementation is in the initial stages.
To learn how to implement this methodology in other countries the Uganda project has invited other entities (faith-based organizations) to join and become part of the most important application of technology for the right reasons.
This technology is delivered through community partnerships with a Collaboration Laboratory (Co-Lab™) Research Institute. The Co-Lab™ Research Institute contributes the founding software, the strategy and the global network.
Why it Works
Power provides influence and Wealth provides assets in exchange for Sentience Research.
Co-Lab™ Members
get opportunities, power, control and a ROI.
Co-Lab™ Management
rests with the founding leaders.
Co-Lab™ Technology Responsibility
remains with the developers.

The founders recognize that with great power comes great responsibility and have taken on the role of auditor to keep track of how the data is collected and used as part of their dedication to social responsibility.
- Our Unique Publishing Technology/ Methodology is rooted in Dynamic Relational Model™ content delivery. Specially developed music, bridges thoughts into connected thinking that integrate mind, body and spirit for integrated thinking. The audience “Can’t Not Learn.”
- This methodology utilizes our proprietary data collection process, using Multiple Intelligence Theory (H. Gardner) and Socratic Questioning, resulting in meaningful information. In the final analysis, unskewed and evidence-based data collection, results in meaningful and fundable research..
Why Communities Will Invest!
A 2-Billion-dollar 33-year-old Overnight Start-up
Based on Socially Responsible Capitalism

Symbiotic Community Partnerships
AwareComm® developed a well-defined and tested strategy and implementation/application plan, deliverable through Collaboration Laboratory (Co-Lab™) Research Institutes. We are now assembling the start-up dimensions:
- Socially Responsible Advisory Team
- Business Advisor Strategy Team
- Operating Management Team
- Financial Affiliations
You are invited to a Teams 20/20 Meeting to explore this opportunity further.