Ideas Worth Exploring
Problems Worth Answering
Answers Worth Implementing
PWI eMod Co-Labs Worth Activating
A Community Worth Growing with Trust/Solidarity

Uganda – A Due Diligence Perspective

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Uganda – A Due Diligence Perspective

Reversing Resistance to Change
Putting Adaptive Intelligence (AdI)
In the Hearts, Minds and Hands of People

Adaptive Resistance (AdR) limits Everybody
Adaptive Intelligence (AdI) strengthens Humanity

It’s not just WHAT AwareComm® does,
It’s HOW AwareComm® does it… that matters.

"The only thing that is constant is change –"

Collaboration Research Institutes (Co-Labs)

Tools for Change in a Changing World

This is Not a Dream – It's Really Happening

Putting Adaptive Intelligence (AdI)
In the Hearts, Minds and Hands of People

Adaptive Intelligence

Team 20/20

A Practical Consideration
A Practical Application

Awareness Communication Technology, LLC

To: Ugandan People
Subject: Due Diligence Partnership Opportunity

My name is Richard Jorgensen.

I am actively seeking Ugandans, supporters, local business owners, spiritual leaders, tribesmen and transplants who share a singular vision - the empowerment of the Ugandan people and their communities.

The AwareComm® Team 20/20 approach to partnership empowers individuals and their communities to take charge of their trajectories, preserve the wisdom of the elders and direct the energy and development of the youth. Team 20/20 seeks a whole community approach to strengthening Uganda. It possesses the proven tools, methodology and supporting ecosystem to make it happen and I'm looking for others who are interested in driving this change.

A interdependent community ecosystem is needed to stand up to the top-down implementation of initiatives that are not in the best interest of community members. For instance, the opening to a article by Paul Doyon is quoted below. Click here to learn about the dangers of 5G and it's correlation to the spread of the Coronavirus.

China, 5G, And The Wuhan Coronavirus: The Emperor’s New Virus
Author: [Paul Doyon], Last updated: March 04, 2020

Could there be a link between the Coronavirus and 5G? Researcher and building biologist Paul Doyon has just spent the last 18 months in China. He’s written a brilliant article laying out the evidence. And how you can protect yourself—an EMF based protection strategy. Warning: this is a heavy science based article with nearly 100 references to studies—neither Paul or myself want to be accused of fear-mongering:

My heart goes out to China and to all its people who have suffered so much due to this new “novel” Wuhan coronavirus outbreak (COVID-19).

However, as someone who had become very sick and had his immune system break down and was sick for six months looking for answers before even suspecting that living in close vicinity to several cell phone towers was actually what was causing the problem and making him sick, I feel I cannot in good conscience remain silent, and I strongly suspect that China and the rest of the world are looking under the wrong stone for what is actually the problem here.

At the moment, with 10,000 recently installed 5G antennas plastering its city, Wuhan is probably one of the most 5G-electropolluted cities on the planet.

Goals of the Uganda Co-Lab

Using a 7-step Collaboration Laboratory (Co-Lab) process (outlined later in this blog) and a series of AI-BI-HI tools (built into Microsoft Teams) individuals and organizations gain the means to make their goals achievable.

  • The initial and overall goal is to implement processes that raise the AdI of Ugandans, supporters, local business owners, spiritual leaders, tribesmen and transplants empowering them to guide Uganda to the attainment of sustainable community solidarity
  • Next, the Co-Lab will provide learning tools for all stakeholders to help them raise AdI allowing everyone to better implement the necessary process changes and improve their overall symbiotic community relationships
  • Additional goals will be decided upon by the Ugandan Co-Lab institute Team 20/20 stakeholders, for example:
    • Raise awareness of the importance of symbiotic relationships between organizations (profit and nonprofit)
    • Examine the role of spirituality in communities to strengthen community solidarity characterized by organizations that are:
      • Self-funding
      • Self-perpetuating
      • Self-regulating
    • Create employee-empowered cultures founded in legacy wisdom, interdependence and sound business principles bridging generational gaps

Today's World
All Business, Social Organizations and Schools

Uganda as a community faces the same challenge that every other community and industry are seeking solutions to resolve. In any organization, be it for profit or nonprofit, there is a disruption in the dialog from top to bottom and from the bottom up. The message from the top gets changed on its way down and the critical decision-making data that flows from the bottom up becomes skewed.

You must recognize that the channel of communication from your lips to the ears of others faces many challenges of distortion. To further complicate the task, each receiving person is then faced with their own ability to implement change, and that is their business.

Click to read
Social Engineering

This phenomenon is fully described in the Social Engineering eMod eBook.

We must change our thinking if we want things to change.

This common problem that millions of people today face is called a lowered
Adaptive Intelligence (AdI).

AdI is the ability to hear, learn, understand and apply ideas that involve change,
and that is our business.

Book Publishing is Only One Real-Life Example of the Need for AdI

Click to read
Tools and Weapons

Books carry within them the vital messages of visionaries who see what must be communicated (valuable knowledge) and know what needs to be APPLIED.

As Microsoft President Brad Smith clearly stated in his book Tools and Weapons,
“With great power comes great responsibility.”

Tools and Weapons contains a powerful message that is critically important to the world, but on it's own will make no lasting mark on the horizon of tomorrow.

This book is faced with a challenge shared by all visionaries with a message for the world. It is the hope of the visionary that, through their published work, their idea will be accepted and successfully implemented.

However, as with most books, new ideas are heard, talked about and soon replaced with the next new idea. This is illustrated by the Long Tail model which illustrates the over-time diminishing value of published intellectual property

AwareComm's engagement technology and methodology turns the traditional long tail model upside-down, converting diminishing returns into continuously expanding value, as illustrated by the Inverted Long Tail.

Click to read
Inverted Long Tail

Ugandan Legacy and Values Implementation

Review the following eMod eBook and video to see examples of visionary value implementation through collaborative publishing in action. For a more in depth look at the broadness and additional components to AwareComm's publishing and learning ecosystem reference the Publishing section (discussed in a later section of this blog post).

Using Select Market Entry Points to
Promote Interdependent Network Marketing

The Ugandan Nation
Supporting AdI Implementation
The Patient-Doctor Relationship

In the Mind of the Patient,
In the Mind of the Doctor Click to read

The Ugandan Nation
Supporting AdI Implementation
5 Dimensions of Recovery

The 5 Dimensions of Recovery Click to watch

This published content reflects important thinking for mankind.
However, being right doesn't change anything.
To invoke change requires the power to transcend the new idea(s)

Building Communities
Adaptive Intelligence (AdI

The Power to Transcend a Vision

To achieve our individual and collective goals requires awesome power. We often set goals to chase lofty concepts, although important, they are rarely achievable.

Concepts of solidarity, interdependence and unity fill our heads with dreams of possibilities, but never materialize in the footprints of where we have walked. It is our goal to transcend those concepts and ideas from a vision of our future, to the reality of our present, and the legacy of our past.

To accomplish this we must rise above just goals and plans, and develop solid and proven strategies to identify and overcome the forthcoming hidden challenges that lie ahead.

- Richard Jorgensen, Ph.D. (hc)

Click to watch
The Power to Transcend A Vision

A Powerful Microsoft Partner

For the last 30 years Awareness Communication Technology, LLC (AwareComm®) has conducted field research to explore and observe the social cultural problems of today while developing an antidote in the form of a Human Intelligence Platform.

This patented process and platform, which uses Microsoft Teams as a focal point, was built by a team of Microsoft Partners with a humanitarian vision for developing social entrepreneurship and implementing the concepts and ideas contained within the book, Tools and Weapons.

Click to Read
Harnessing the Power of Microsoft

By aligning with the technical power of AwareComm® and its Microsoft Partners, a Teams 20/20 was assembled to apply this message using AwareComm's unique Collaboration Laboratory (Co-Lab) platform. This results in not just introducing important ideas, but effectively implementing the ideas and concepts into life itself.

To broaden the power of Tools and Weapons, we do not need to rewrite the book. We honor the visionary's message and the existing publication by adding eModular (eMod Apps) integration of collaborative principles with user recognition and application expansion (eMod App-Ons).

Click to read
Tools and Weapons

This is accomplished by effective integration of Adaptive Resistance (AdR) recognition while raising Adaptive Intelligence (AdI). We honor the visionary's message and the existing publication by adding:

  • eModular (eMod Apps) integration of collaborative principles
  • user recognition and application expansion (eMod App-Ons)

This is all done by effective integration of Adaptive Resistance (AdR) recognition while raising Adaptive Intelligence (AdI).

The messages contained within books like Tools and Weapons are clear, but the application of these messages is challenged. How are these challenges overcome?

We hold the power in our hands.

Self-Perpetuating Power

History teaches us that differences are not solved on a battlefield. Rather they are resolved by gathering all the facts, sharing perspectives and collaborating in the strategy-room. Unfortunately, nowadays a good strategy just isn’t enough.

Click to watch
Enhancing HI Through Responsible Machine Learning Applications

All stakeholders need modern tools of collaboration for the purpose of Enhancing Human Intelligence (HI) Through Responsible Machine Learning Applications to support teams committed to a common cause.

But… to achieve this paradigm, we must raise the Adaptive Intelligence (AdI) in teams so all stakeholders become empowered with a readiness for change and the principles of Honesty, Selflessness, Purity of Intent, Reality and Accountability to implement it.

This Incredible Process Allows us to Transcend
New Insight into Intelligent Principle-Based ASSETS
That Create Their Own POWER
To Become
Self-Funding   Self-Perpetuating   Self-Regulating

More Real-Life Examples of a Need for AdI

Click to read
A Cultural Transition

Companies Around the World Struggle
To Implement Concepts of Integration and Diversity

For example, socially responsible companies like Allstate have made a commitment to diversity (Link). However, without building a foundation deeply rooted in AdI grasping and accepting principles that deviate from an individual’s foundation belief structure can create challenges beyond the skill level of most people. Thus, the importance of the inclusion of AdI development in all programs. That is, if diversity programs are going to go beyond just words and goals.

The Tricky Role of the CEO in a New Era of Social Responsibility

A recent article written by Rick Wartzman for the Wall Street Journal tells of the evolving role of CEOs in today's business landscape.

The Business Roundtable recently said companies should meet the interests of ALL stakeholders, rather than just shareholders. CEOs should brace themselves for the consequences.

It’s no secret that big data and artificial intelligence are starting to roil a bunch of professions. Yet there’s another job that is also being altered with extraordinary speed—only this one is getting reshaped not so much by high tech but, rather, by high ideals: chief executive officer.

A loud and swelling chorus is calling for CEOs to meet the interests of all their stakeholders—customers, employees, shareholders, the communities in which they operate and society as a whole.

Click here to view the full Wall Street Journal article

Engineering Loses the Scientific Method
and Can Not Change

By Dwight Evans

Reducing Staff Risk Factors By Raising AdI™

Click to read
Uncover Your Culture Discover Your Company

Why Raise AdI?

Introducing new ideas, getting them heard, understood and accepted is the challenge behind this new dimension of leadership.  We must develop the methodology and technology to increase Adaptive Intelligence (AdI) if we are to meet this new dimension of social, cultural responsibility.

eBook Available
Upon Request
Click to Read
A Cultural Transition

Whether you are focused on:

  • Teaching younger people
  • Retraining older people
  • Customer support
  • Marketing
  • Sales

… if people cannot apply what you have taught them, then what you have taught them is of no value. In fact, it becomes an expense to both you and the person you have taught.

The process of neutralizing AdR and raising AdI by including bilateral comparison using standardized analytics is supported by the AwareComm® Co-Lab whole brain learning and implementation system. Without using this methodology, it is impossible to accurately define inequality in order to establish and validate equality.

AdI Prevents Getting Blindsided by AdR

Click to watch
Problem, Answers (Obstacles)

Our world is full of individuals who prematurely jump to conclusions.

They don’t examine the:

  • Problem – Don’t Understand the Problem
  • Answers – Don’t Consider ALL the Possibilities
  • Solution – Don’t Apply Principles of Discernment
Click to watch
Research-Based Collaboration

Many leaders and visionaries are blindsided by the effects of Adaptive Resistance (AdR), which is the counter to Adaptive Intelligence (AdI). These two concepts are opposite sides to the same coin. If there is a lack of AdI in your organization/team it's due to the elevated levels of AdR.

How helpful would it be to know which side of the spectrum you are on and to learn how to be able to make a list of the things you are not aware of?

Click to watch
Keeping a Clean Team

Watch Research-Based Collaboration to learn how to avoid getting blindsided by the things you aren't aware of.

Watch Keeping a Clean Team to learn how to identify the hidden challenges in your organization.

Can you imagine…

Click to watch
The Power to Transcend A Vision

…how effective we could be if AdI Communication and Education Tools were added to spiritual leaders' toolkits, to not just sharpen perception and broaden perspective, but to add the power to implement the core ideas being presented.

AwareComm® is searching for spiritual leaders interested in a new approach to delivering and implementing spiritual principles on a community level.

Click to watch
Business Strategy To
Transcend Your Vision

AwareComm® is a Microsoft multi-gold certified Research and Development Partner. In simple terms, AwareComm® harnessed the power of Microsoft and became positioned in the core of Microsoft Teams (Teams is currently used by 80% of today’s Fortune 500 companies).

AwareComm® specializes in developing advanced solutions using Artificial Intelligence (AI), Business Intelligence (BI) and a new dimension of Data Science (we developed) called Human Intelligence (HI) for the purpose of raising Adaptive Intelligence (AdI).

Click to Read
Harnessing the Power of Microsoft

AdI is readiness for change, for learning and applying what was learned and it's the converse of Adaptive Resistance (AdR), the inability/unwillingness to learn.

This breakthrough in technology empowers people to implement the ideas and concepts of great minds, not just memorize them.

AwareComm's approach to community empowerment applies proven, but misused, engagement methodologies (Facebook, Google, YouTube, etc.) to a Socially Responsible model.

Click to Read (eMod Blog)
A Race to the Bottom of the Brainstem

Rather than apply these methodologies
with the intent to manipulate and control,
an alternative approach is taken.

AwareComm® leverages a vast and powerful digital network to apply the means to replace the existing Shadow Culture (A Race to the Bottom of the Brainstem) without a battle or conflict (or expense).

Through a proven blend of technology, methodology and data science AwareComm® guides the sustainable reclamation of lost cultural strength and interdependence in organizations and teams.

Implementing Change Through Collaborative AdI Publishing Partnerships

A section of AwareComm's Platform as a Business Partnership brings an interactive AI-BI-HI collaborative ePublishing methodology that enables existing content to be re-purposed into a form that:

  • Engages Audience
  • Defines Discovery
  • Enhances Learning
  • Enhances Application

We begin by
The Publishing Dilemma
Resolution NOT Revolution
Click to read
The Publishing Dilemma eMod eBook

  • Expands Communication
  • Unifies Cooperative Implementation
  • Raises individual and collective
    Adaptive Intelligence (AdI)
Click to read
The Publishing Dilemma

AwareComm's CEO, Dr. Richard Jorgensen, brings over 60 years of experience in the business and technology worlds. He mentions how this experience taught him that strategic partnerships are the most effective method of gaining strength and achieving speed to market while minimizing mistakes.

Hence, the reason for AwareComm's outreach to attract both advisor and strategic partners.

Dr. Jorgensen mentions, "Without question, I believe this technology can have a major impact on the customer service industry. It transforms the way people learn, retain their knowledge and apply it in all aspects of their lives. The process bridges individual values into community value."

AwareComm® Has Four Types of AdIPartners

AdI Implementation Partners are companies and organizations that Direct and Manage Groups of People.  These organizations are the pillars of community commerce.  To these organizations we offer a FREE Adaptive Resistance (AdR) Assessment to determine hidden challenges within the organization.

Click to read
Tapping Into the Power of Comparative Intelligence

If AdR is found and the need for correction is great enough to warrant correction, a Pilot Co-Lab is established under contract to:

  • Address the internal problem
  • Correct the internal problem
  • Validate the correction

The cost of the full Pilot Program is based on:

  • Calculating (BI) Expense of the Problem
  • Defining a Fixed cost of the Solution
  • Savings from Cost Reduction

Successful internal correction of the problem then qualifies the company to establish a partnership with AwareComm® and become part of the AdI Global Network as a featured partner.

Click to Explore The E.A.R.
A New AdI Media Monetizing Your Intellectual Assets

Commerce Partners sponsor private branded Employee Assistance Resource (E.A.R.) apps. The E.A.R. aids partners in developing their awareness of opportunities to Expand their Quality of Life and that of their partnering stakeholders and communities.

The E.A.R. engages people with Topics of Interest and keeps them engaged through strength and orientation on HI development and a focus on their community -- truly an effective and unique new media.

To these partners we offer expanded market penetration through Cross Pollination (Leveraged Marketing) to reach new and untapped markets.

Click to watch
Leveraged Marketing

The next stop for those with wisdom and insight to be published and monetized is the PWI Pocket desktop app. The Personal Pocket App is the follow-on component granting each E.A.R. partner's audience access to more in-depth content published in the PWI eMod format.

  • Organization Development
  • Employment
  • Technology
  • Healthcare
  • Education
  • Financial
  • Legal
  • Travel
  • Legacy
Click to Explore
The PWI Personal Pocket Desktop App

Click to Read
Topics of Interest

Content Partners lead unique Topics of Interest that offer the development of greater skills or the abilty overcome personal challenges.

Content partners are community journalists, skill experts, agents and publishers committed to their area of interest and to the evolution of publishing...

From Just Raising Awareness,
to Raising AdIand Implementing Solutions.

Click to hear - Everybody is looking for something
Click to hear - Everybody Has a Real Story to Tell
Click to hear - Hidden Heroes are everywhere

Click to Read
Business and…
Socially Responsible Entrepreneurs

Community Partners (nonprofits/churches) expand the scope of their service to the community to become contributing elements of building community commerce.

Their product/service goes beyond just assisting people and becomes what the recipient of their product/service will do as result of partner support of their efforts.

The deliverable product of nonprofits/churches must be measured and evaluated by the results; the best fathers/mothers, husbands/wives, employees and the most inspired and effective entrepreneurs to further stimulate community development with new business.


Click to download
The App-ortunities App

Partners: Bringing it All Together
AwareComm's App-ortunities App
(download available free from the Microsoft Store)

AwareComm® harness the collective power of Microsoft Technologies with AwareComm’s Technology, Methodology and Sentience Data Science to solve systemic organization challenges, which in turn solves systemic community challenges and drives social-cultural change through Co-Lab Symbiotic Community Partnerships.

Click to read Symbiotic Community Partnerships eMod eBook

AwareComm’s Mission

AwareComm® establishes partnerships with Businesses and Nonprofits to solve organization and community systemic challenges resulting in strengthening individuals, developing collective unity, stimulating commerce and increasing social impact.

What problem do we solve?

AwareComm® Collaboration Laboratories (Co-Lab™ Institutes) overcome the resistance that emerges in organizations when trying to implement change (e.g. adopting new technology) and evokes acceptance and ownership by all stakeholders. An example benefit: reduce the loss of key employees and their corporate knowledge.

Partnership investment in our solutions for business overflow into community nonprofits.

The initial community focus is to address the intertwined problems of estranged veterans, homelessness, dependency and at-risk kids to create sustainable restoration: to reinstate dignity, enrich life and develop purposeful careers in commerce/business.

The Joining of Visions
(Synergy in Action)

The tools to raise Adaptive Intelligence (AdI) are integrated in the AwareComm® ecosystem, which includes a full Human Intelligence software platform:

To Put it Simply, and to Be Very Direct,
This is About Technology for Humanity

AwareComm® delivers a scalable, flexible and robust Communication and Collaboration Platform that offers resources to neutralize and overcome Adaptive Resistance (AdR) by systemically raising the Adaptive Intelligence (AdI) in individuals and teams. Some key platform components include:

  • Culture Valuation with Sentience and AdR Analytics
  • Library of practical human understanding insight
  • Publishing System delivering content founded in:
    • Whole Brain Delivery
    • SocraticQ Interaction
    • App-On Reader Re-Publishing
    • Solution Oriented Support (SOS)
  • Sentience Based Analytics
  • Funded by business benefits from community recognition

The platform is distributed by the Microsoft Partner Network to existing customers and is designed to become Self-perpetuating through the Microsoft Teams User network.

This platform is now being offered as a chain of licensed franchise partnerships to select industries with a proven need that would directly benefit from proven solutions and who are dedicated to achieving a humanitarian outcome.

Announcing Tools for Microsoft Teams in a Changing World

Engaging Your Audience

The greatest message in the world is of no value if it does not reach your audience. The Co-Lab Network is built-in to the Microsoft Teams software ecosystem as an app add-on. Team members working in a Teams app, performing teamwork functions, are reached by asking the question:

“What if you knew, not WHAT your teammates were thinking, but HOW they were thinking?”

You would be able to:

  • Understand what they really heard when you spoke
  • Understand how they really thought when you spoke
  • Understand why they understood – and why they didn’t understand

With this insight you would be more effective in presenting your ideas, being understood, being able to discuss specific differences and resolve misunderstood situations. To learn more, we invite you to examine our tools for change in a changing world.

Tools for Change in a Changing World

Click to watch
The Power to Transcend A Vision
  • Library containing a full explanation of AdI principles and models
  • Creativity Identification and Expression
  • Content Development
  • Leadership Collaboration
  • Content Application Support
  • Data Science Analytics BI + HI
  • AdI Solution Engagement Media
  • Personal and Private eMod Content Delivery
  • Software App Templates – Developed and Tested

Our Unstoppable Power: Platform + Process

AwareComm® Co-Lab and Publishing Platform

AdI begins with true collaborative communication in a unique digital publishing platform that includes:

Click to watch
A Story Within You
Click to watch
Problem, Answers, (Obstacles), Solution
  • Co-Lab Publishing Transforming a vision into action that raises AdI
    • Assess Audience Adaptive Resistance (AdR) Shadow Culture
    • Strategic Exploration of the Problem, Answers and Solution
      (Find a solution that works, then publish the results for others to benefit)
    • Converting Intellectual Ideas into Intellectual Property
    • Co-Lab Tools – Converting Intellectual Property into Intellectual Assets
    • New Intellectual Assets create transferability and scalability of an idea to define the value received from full implementation of a solution
Click to Read
The Cost of Online Marketing

Co-Lab Institute Process: 7 Steps to Success

Individuals investigating this proposition are led through a series of visual steps inside Microsoft Teams and/or in AwareComm's proprietary desktop app that would engage them in a process of teamwork development. During the course of the process, once engaged, a licensed AdI coach could maintain confidential texting communication with them as well as phone text (at the user’s option).

The AwareComm® Co-Lab Institute Platform is utilized in conjunction with its 7 Step Process.

This 7 Step Process Starts at Strategy and Team 2020 Building and carries through the full development, publishing, implementation, measurement evaluation and adjusting. The process empowers participants to reach Institute goals and objectives while raising AdI in order to produce real and lasting change.

Explore a Brief Introduction to Each of These 7 Steps

Pilot Co-Lab - Team 2020 Selection, Feasibility Research and Strategic Planning:

AwareComm® Has Four Types of AdIPartners

  • AdI Implementation Partners
  • Commerce Partners
  • Content Partners
  • Community Partners
Click to watch
Problem, Answers, (Obstacles), Solution
Click to explore
Field Research
Click to explore
AwareComm's PWI Content Library

Click to watch
Strategic Partners

“Self-Funding” Strategic Partnerships – Creating Cultures of Solidarity:

Self-Funding Strategic Partnerships: The Foundation for Effective Solidarity eMod Video

Design, Re-purpose and ePackage
Co-Lab ePublishing Media, Bots, Blogs, Content, Books and Apps:

Click to read
Dynamic Relational Models
And Instructional eModular
Click to read
5 Dimensions of Good Pilot Solutions
Click to read
PWI Content Integration Guide
Click to read
Collaborative UAS

Click to read
Mentor-Driven Cultures

SOS Mentor Driven Culture Development - Raising AdI with Applied Knowledge Transfer (AKT) by Blending the Old Strengths with the New Frontiers

> Mentor Driven Cultures - Applied Knowledge Transfer
> Training Solution Oriented Support (SOS) – SOS Theory, SOS Millennial Guide and more...
> Addressing the Invisible Seeds of Destruction

Click to watch
The E.A.R. Business Outreach

Click to watch
Leveraged Marketing

Reaching the Audience to be Heard and Understood – Expand Markets Through New Distribution Channel

> Leveraged Marketing
> E.A.R. Business Outreach

“Self-Perpetuating” Network with Audience App-Ons

“Self-Regulating” Driven by Mission Effectiveness Measurement

AwareComm® Co-Lab Institute Proprietary Assets

AwareComm® Co-Lab Institute Assets

Click to explore a list of these assets

AwareComm® Co-Lab Institute Humanitarian Technical Collaborators

The team of highly skilled and respected volunteers that built this incredible platform are available to join to expand and monetize this contribution to mankind.

We transcend ideas to products, product to assets and power distributes and multiplies assets.
Click to explore the list of Technical Collaborators

Financial Value

The financial value of the platform is measured in:

  • Lines of Code – 300,000
  • Income Products – $3,000,000,000 (per partner app)

Access the Microsoft Sharepoint to further explore AwareComm's Quarterly Financial Projections and supporting data.

With Leveraged Marketing There is MLO (Money Left Over)

Creating Interdependent Business Partnerships Within Distributed Networks

We provide a platform rooted in practical business practices to create Interdependent Business Partnerships:

  • We provide select businesses, organizations and schools with an exclusive resource that gives them a competitive advantage and improve the quality of employees
  • We provide employees a resource of assured confidentiality and anonymity while empowering them with a tool to be totally honest without possibility for retaliation for disrupting the power centers that control and undermine equality, fairness and justice
  • We accelerate Data Science by measuring sentience (the causation of WHY people do what they do) founded in proven models of insight and integrity to guide the application to offer a new and meaningful plateau of Human Intelligence

Rooted in
Social Capitalism for Social Entrepreneurs

Understanding Money and Value – Social Cultural Responsibility

  • Career (Passion, Purpose, Skill and Wisdom) – work for others so they can share existing Money (where economy is based on velocity of money, not volume)
  • Accounting is to keep track of the money that is made (who gets the money)
  • Social Capital is to establish a new Institute that will create a new entity (Co-Lab) to contribute to mankind and do it in a way that creates new value and shares the wealth (money)
Click to Read Symbiotic Community Partnerships eMod eBook

When Adversity is Converted to Diversity Through
Commerce and Socially Responsible Business
The Entire Community Benefits as a Result

Current Co-Lab Projects
Raising Adaptive Intelligence (AdI)

Understanding Business as a Strategy

Click to watch
Creating a Scalable Culture Responsive to Change

Creating a Scalable Culture Responsive to Change

AwareComm® leadership understands the various stages of the business life cycle and guides its Partners in navigating it.

AwareComm® strategists understand the power that individuals have on their organizations. They possess the tools to assess, measure and demonstrate how AdI and AdR impacts every stakeholder and their ability to grow and succeed, or to end in senility and death.

This video excerpt from Creating a Scalable Culture Responsive to Change PLT eMod Courseware provides a glimpse into that AdI/AdR wisdom.

The Process is Simple
Getting Started is as Easy as 1-2-3

Click to read
It Began On The Other Side

This platform will not be sold or leased to existing power holders, as they will only replicate and perpetuate the ongoing misuse of power.

Instead, AwareComm's founder elected to hold his original vision (It Began On The Other Side) and establish a powerful advisory board of socially responsible advisors/leaders from a wide range of professional disciplines.

Together, we will guide and influence this methodology breakthrough to reach a new pinnacle of socially responsible technology applications.

Individuals investigating this proposition are led through a series of visual steps inside Microsoft Teams and/or in AwareComm's proprietary desktop app that would engage them in a process of teamwork development. During the course of the process, once engaged, a licensed AdI coach could maintain confidential texting communication with them as well as phone text (at the user’s option).

Making it Real
3 Phases of Implementation

Easy as 1-2-3

  • Phase 1 - Expressing Interest and Submitting an Application to Join
  • Phase 2 - Invited into Team 20/20
    • Establish a Team 20/20 for Your Sphere of Influence to Take Action - with Guided Strategy
      • Commitment
      • Formalization
      • Social Capital Funding
    • Conduct Research on Your Audience - Culture Value-ation Indicator AdI vs AdR
    • Define Institute and Pilot strategy based upon: Team 20/20 Industry Knowledge, Advisor's Knowledge, Industry Goals and Audience Research
  • Phase 3 - Implement a Co-Lab Institute Pilot
    • SOS - Learn and Structure Human Support
    • Co-Lab Research Institute Pre-Partnership to execute Pilot
    • Roll-out Pilot and Pilot Content/Apps

Announcing Team 20/20
Creating A Leadership Crew

Team 20/20

Click to read
Team 20/20 Advisors
Collaborative Visionary Heroes

Team 20/20

Click to read
Business and Venture Capital:
A Socially Responsible Partnership
Click to read
Symbiotic Community Partnerships
Click to read
Data Science and Beyond

AwareComm's Team 20/20 is a select group of individuals with proven insight, wisdom and power.

This team will apply a new dimension of technology with social cultural responsibility.

With Data Science and Beyond we have the technology, power, and insight to implement a new form of business strategy through Symbiotic Community Partnerships that will create a world of true solidarity.

I Will be in Port Soon…
A Message from the Captain

The Midnight Sun is both an ocean vessel and a recognized communication point in our digital world. I would like to set a time to meet online and discuss Team 20/20 membership:

  • What is happening with the way people engage with technology – Brad Smith’s Book, Tools and Weapons
  • Team 20/20 as a Partnership and its path into AdI insight and power as a partner for your area of specialty and interest
  • Your direction as the holder of integrity and wisdom
  • Your commitment to build collaborative strength and your sphere of influence

Through the Team 20/20 membership we will mutually examine the practically of obtaining a full Co-Lab Research Institute Partnership.

This message is not a proposal for agreement or a plan to raise liquid capital.

I am determining the level of interest among visionaries of like mind for the purpose of partnership and pursuit of a common socially responsible goal for your area of specialty and interest.

Let’s meet and see where the wind takes us.
I’m also A Seasoned Sea Captain and I know that
I can’t change the wind, but I can adjust my sails.

Welcome aboard…


Capt. Richard… and My Mentors

Richard Jorgensen, Ph.D. (hc) – CEO, AwareComm®
Social Entrepreneur Supporting Social-Cultural Responsibility

Awareness Communication Technology, LLC                                                 

LinkedIn Profile | Microsoft Partner Profiles | Leading the Microsoft Partner Network

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Empower Our World

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 eMod SocraticQ Conversation

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FOOTNOTE of Importance

Our world is experiencing an incredible revolution powered by technology that has used its tools to:

  • 1. Disrupt tradition
  • 2. Deceive the public
  • 3. Divide the people

This has inadvertently resulted in a Fear-based Shadow Culture™ that has hurt many people.
A powerful group of influence has joined together to deliver a proven antidote by shifting from impersonal development of Artificial Intelligence (AI) to replace people to utilize AI to empower Human Intelligence (HI).


To Empower The People:


Distraction Junction


What is a Modern Hero?:

We invite Heroes and Visionaries
to explore accessing these powerful methodologies and resources
to achieve their individual visions.

Every Perspective Counts
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