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When Freedom is Lost

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What Will it be Like
When Freedom is Lost?

Opening Insights: A Nation Destroyed from Within

Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent.
It takes a touch of genius — and a lot of courage to move in the opposite direction.


The United States of America is a young country by global and historical standards, but in a relatively short span of time it has already turned down the pathway of collapse. The US is on its way out. Those elements that allowed the US to become such a bright star and to light up the night sky have been misused and turned against the people who make up the nation, a nation of the people, by the people, for the people. It is the people who are sick and, as the lifeblood of the nation, are killing it.

Free Enterprise, Free Speech, Technology and Self Governance have been turned against Americans to control them.

The US has reaching a turning point and the next decisions made by its citizens will either etch in stone the future loss of freedom and overturning of the republic, or they will learn to see what is being done to them, by them and with their permission, and chose to take action to rebuild the strong foundation of freedom that once characterized the US as a global leader.

This brief message is composed of highlights from a collection of articles that describe the current trajectory of the United States and how it came to be in danger of ceasing to exist as a free nation.

One thing to keep in mind, though COVID-19 may be an act of nature, the Draconian measures instituted to address its potential for harm are purposeful and illustrative of the intentions of those who crafted them.

Informational Insights: Seeing the Big Picture

The COVID-19 disaster has been the vehicle for those with an agenda of control to seize power and eliminate resistance.

The following articles paint a picture of what the United States will look like after the process of eliminating freedom and civil liberties is complete. This is not a theory, it's happening right now, as you read this.

Publishing Crisis – Feeding Racism

America is currently smack in the middle of the COVID-19 crisis. The virus itself is a very real threat, but isn't the principle enemy of the people. The manner in which governments have instituted measures to curtail the spread of infection is what has crippled our nation and left us divided. As a result, fear and anger are spreading like wildfire.

To make matters worse, America has a history of conflict as it relates to social, economic and racial inequality. Many wrap up those three elements under the single heading of racism. It is common today for people to call "racism" when they perceive something to be inequitable.

COVID-19 attacks those with preexisting conditions the hardest. Consider, if a preexisting condition of unrest due to a perception of racial inequality plagued a group of individuals, then the COVID-19 crisis would serve to further divide people and amplify their fear and anger.

As a result:

  • Racism misinformation is pushed to further divide people and amplify unrest – see protests and rioting
  • Fear is expanded, perpetuated and used to control – see media propaganda and political correctness
  • Anger is stoked, amplified, spread and perpetuated, then weaponized – see political manipulation

Click here to read: Publishing Crisis - Feeding Racism

American Dream

America is currently smack in the middle of the COVID-19 crisis. The virus itself is a very real threat, but isn't the principle enemy of the people. The manner in which governments have instituted measures to curtail the spread of infection is what has crippled our nation and left us divided. As a result, fear and anger are spreading like wildfire.

To make matters worse, America's most prominent generation, the millennials, are now in their thirties and have began assuming the leadership and influencing positions that will shape the trajectory and speed of change in our nation.

As illustrated in a recent video with Ron Paul, Millennials make up the majority of the voting population. They face crushing debt from an expensive education that got them nowhere and from the pursuit of an American dream that never comes true. They can't afford to invest. They can't afford to buy their own home. They're too broke to get married or have children.

They are angry and resentful toward the previous generations,
who they blame for the sad state of the economy.

Now they are facing COVID-19 and the systematic destruction of their basic civil liberties.

They are caught like rats in a trap – there is no way out.

COVID-19 attacks those with preexisting conditions the hardest. Consider then, if a preexisting state of unrest due to the Millennial condition was already at the ignition point, then the COVID-19 crisis would serve to further divide the generations and amplify the millennial fear and anger thus pushing an entire generation over the edge.

As a result:

  • Government surveillance is being dramatically increased (for your own safety) – see removal of privacy
  • Shutdowns, curfews and quarantine orders are in effect (for your own safety) – see house arrest, quarantine, concentration camps
  • Freedom to worship and freedom of religion removed – see social distancing
  • Mandatory vaccinations... What’s in them? It doesn’t matter, you won't be able to refuse – see government surveillance and quarantine

For those who do not comply with government regulations for COVID-19:

  • Breakdown of free trade, no workers, supply chain broken, no customers – see social distancing and quarantine
  • Elimination of private business (the backbone of the US) – see social distancing and quarantine
  • Institution of caste system, no jobs, no paycheck, government handouts necessary – see socialism

Click to read: American Dream

Destination 2021

COVID-19 has been blown out of proportion by the media to become the pathway of fear/distrust.

The people of the world have entered a state of fear and those with an agenda of deceive, divide and conquer to subvert and control their fellow man are taking full advantage of the disarray.

Self-authority + Self-responsibility + Self-accountability = Maturity
Maturity is a missing element in individuals today.

F.E.A.R. = False Evidence Appearing Real

This state of fear activates a series of learned behaviors within individuals:

Hurt leads to Blame

Blame causes Anger

Anger leads to feelings of Guilt

Guilt (I went too far in my retaliation) becomes a state of Shame

Shame is a sense that, it's not just what I've done that's wrong,
but as a person I am wrong, and then we enter a state of Apathy

Apathy causes the enthusiasm to vanish, for imagination to fade
and eventually we just stop caring about anything

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A Race to the Bottom
of the Brainstem

In a state of fear people are primed to be taken advantage of (Race to the Bottom of the Brainstem) and they lose their self-authority. They experience the loss of their basic needs which leads to a feeling of being hurt.

Consider how this plays out as it relates to our basic needs. When the real or perceived loss of our basic needs is experienced a state of fear takes over.

In a state of fear we are easily controlled.

COVID-19 has become the instrument of those with an agenda to enforce the implementation of the United Nations Agenda 21 (now known as Sustainable Planet) and establish a one-world totalitarian government.

As a result:

  • Class separation – see haves and have-nots
  • Population control through sterilization, genderless reproduction, gene editing – see mandatory vaccinations and UN Agenda 21 (Sustainable Planet)
  • De-fund public agencies like the local municipal police and institute a military police state – see Nazi Germany
  • Automation increased, population decreased – see UN Agenda 21 (Sustainable Planet)
  • Military enforcement of UN Agenda 21 (Sustainable Planet), not a brochure, not a theory, not a choice
  • Socialist totalitarian one-world government is instituted – see UN Agenda 21 (Sustainable Planet)

Click to read: Destination 2021

Possibilities for Consideration: The Problem is Real – So is The Solution

The ideas discussed above are happening now and are simple matters of cause and effect as a result of purpose. They are not far-fetched ideas. Examine history while you still can, before it is edited to avoid offending people and to fit the current political agenda.

Large corporations like Facebook, who already have immense influence over the thinking of Americans, is constantly shaping the social media narrative. For instance, a young man beset by an angry mob defends himself and as a result, anyone in support of his right as an American and as a human being to defend himself is automatically shut down by Facebook. Breitbart reports:

Facebook Declares Kyle Rittenhouse’s Actions ‘Mass Murder,’ Won’t Allow Posts in Support

Control of the media is an essential tool for government control of the population – for your own safety of course.

Governments with complete control over their citizens usually have the best interest of the people in mind… don’t they?  Consider Stalin’s USSR, Mao’s China, Maduro’s Venezuela and Hitler’s Germany. History is full of important lessons that we can learn from – if we are willing.

AwareComm® Founder and CEO, Richard Jorgensen, Ph.D. (hc), is known to say,

 “We often find that history doesn’t repeat itself, it is we who repeat history!”

American philosopher, George Santayana, understood this well when he wrote:

“Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.”

What lessons does the history of rulers Stalin, Mao, Maduro and Hitler have in store for us?

Those with power are working diligently to turn the fierce and independent spirit of America into another socialist experiment, and they are succeeding.

A Must Read

It is from an understanding of human psychology and through the removal of individual maturity that this control-over people is possible. Many prominent researchers have written about it.

Thaler's "Nudge" is the alternative, assuming people will act in their self-interest without depending or using rationality or reason. Thaler shows in his research and presents in his book how to shape choice using the newly discovered laws of predictable irrationality,
or choice shaping.

We are born with God-given values of faith, hope and love, but our beliefs are created through our experiences. He who shapes the narrative controls the experience. Those beliefs shape our decisions and as long as there is someone to blame we never have to be responsible, therefor accountability never happens. There is the recipe for government control of the people right there!

Unfortunately, knowing this won't change anything. We must begin to have new experiences to change our beliefs, in order to make new decisions and take responsibility for them. Only then can we learn to be accountable and only through accountability can we change anything.

What Can be Done?

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Understanding How
We Repeat History


The following text was selected from Understanding How We Repeat History, an eMod eBook™ ePublished in the AwareComm® Collaboration Laboratory (Co-Lab™) Research Institute.

The sliver comes out through the same hole it entered.

For people caught in the treacherous web of social conditioning (Control Wheel) and have, as a result, cultivated a mindset of Adaptive Resistance (AdR™), a countering process is designed, packaged and implementable.

If AdR™ is the resistance to change then Adaptive Intelligence (AdI™) is the readiness for and acceptance of change that we need in order to take charge of our lives and our organizations.

Through a careful blend of AI + BI + HI + SI the Co-Lab™ Research Institute has the correct balance of technology, methodology, human understanding, spiritual principles and data science to put us on the right track to individual social and cultural empowerment.

See AdI™ in Action – the Steps of Cultural Empowerment…

  • We see choices that we never saw before.
  • We are able to make our own decisions.
  • We are able to experience a sense of courage and well-being without dependency on people, places, and things.
  • We are able to let go of responsibilities for which we have no authority.
  • We are able to feel and accept trust / love from our superiors, peers, and subordinates.
  • Acceptance becomes something we are able to give to our superiors, peers, and subordinates instead of something we seek.
  • Discovery becomes a perspective from which we simply know things to be true, without having the need for understanding or having things proven.

To implement this solution on a global scale the Pope requested the Microsoft develop the ‘Good Algorithm.’ Microsoft agreed. A select group of top data scientists, led by AwareComm®, has delivered this request. Packaged into Microsoft Teams, this algorithm delivers a powerful and most-needed methodology for the world using AI + BI + HI + SI to create AdI™.

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A Dream Awakened

A pilot program has been selected in Uganda (a country with a history of war and civil divide).

The plan is complete and implementation is in the initial stages.

To learn how to implement this methodology in other countries the Uganda project has invited other entities (faith-based organizations) to join and become part of the most important application of technology for the right reasons.

This technology is delivered through community partnerships with a Collaboration Laboratory (Co-Lab™) Research Institute. The Co-Lab™ Research Institute contributes the founding software, the strategy and the global network.

The founders recognize that with great power comes great responsibility and have taken on the role of auditor to keep track of how the data is collected and used as part of their dedication to social responsibility.

What Will You Do?

A 33-year-old Overnight Socially Responsible Start-up
Collaborative (Co-Lab™) Research Institute

Click to read
Symbiotic Community Partnerships

AwareComm® developed a well-defined, tested strategy and an implementation/application plan. We are now assembling the Start-up dimensions:

  • Socially Responsible Advisory Team
  • Business Advisor Strategy Team
  • Operating Management Team
  • Financial Affiliations

You are invited to a Teams 20/20 Meeting to explore this opportunity further.

We are not asking for help. We are inviting a select group who are dedicated to solving the social, spiritual and economic challenges that our world faces today through implementation of a Co-Lab™ Research Institute.

Contact us HERE

eMod SocraticQ Conversation

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FOOTNOTE of Importance

Our world is experiencing an incredible revolution powered by technology that has used its tools to:

  • deceive the public
  • disrupt tradition
  • divide the people

This has inadvertently resulted in a Fear-based Shadow Culture™ that has hurt many people.
A powerful group of influence has joined together to deliver a proven antidote by shifting from impersonal development of Artificial Intelligence (AI) to replace people to utilize AI to empower Human Intelligence (HI).


To Empower The People:


Distraction Junction


What is a Modern Hero?:


We invite Heroes and Visionaries
to explore accessing these powerful methodologies and resources
to achieve their individual visions.

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