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Tomorrow’s Market

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Tomorrow’s Market

( Commerce = Consumers + Producers )

Trending technology will no longer identify markets, yet knowledge of the marketplace is now more important than ever.

We must be able to define the sentience of what causes markets to change so we can fill the void. For instance, this article focuses on the millennial marketplace.

Why is it important to understand the millennial marketplace? Simple, they are rapidly overtaking the baby boomers in the following critical areas:

  • Voting Market (Political Control)
  • Workforce Pool Market
  • Consumer Market

In the following video clip, 22-year congressman and former presidential candidate, Ron Paul discusses the danger America faces in the newest and greatest threat to liberty, the millennial voters.

Visit the associated blog page to watch the full video and to learn more about the American Dream, Gone for Millennials.

The millennial generation is the target of interest as their influence has been the principle factor behind the dissolution of freedom and for America's current push toward socialism.

What do we need to know about Millennials in order to reach them? A well researched and written article by illustrates what is uniquely important to millennials and how to capture their interest.

From the article, we know that:

  1. Millennials are the most lucrative market
  2. Millennials switch brands
  3. Millennials are tech-savvy
  4. Millennials use devices did a great job of producing an informative piece on capturing the millennial market segment, but why does the millennial generation require such an alternative method of outreach?

Driven by Emotion

The millennial generation was conditioned to be driven by their emotions and to be:

  • Angry/Resentful
  • Addiction runs wild
  • Technology-dependent
  • Blame rooted in entitlement
  • Follow social goals - ruled by the mob
  • Instant gratification is king, avoid long-term investment
  • Respond to collective pressure - can't hear anyone outside their peer group

Marketing to Millennials

Click to read
SOS Millennial
Interaction Guide
Click to visit the
Millennial 101
blog page
Click to read
The Cost of Online Marketing

Millennials weren't born to be the way they are, they have been carefully socially conditioned through the influence of technology, media propaganda, a twisted education system and a push for automation (robotics and the elimination of human workers) - see "UN Agenda 21".

Now there are no self-starters nor entrepreneurs, the foundation of what made America the most powerful and prosperous nation on the globe. At least it used to be, until the influence of the millennials and those who created them caused it to de-evolve from free-market powerhouse to socialist welfare state.

As it relates to millennials, the questions on the minds of producers and employers alike are:
- How do we get them to work?
- How do we get them to buy?

AwareComm® knows how to reach the millennial market because we understand them and we understand how and why they were created.

A team of top Data Scientists from a multi-gold-rated Microsoft research and development partner organization designed and built a method by which to measure the sentience of an organization and its people.

Why Sentience?

Market sentiment is the measurement of what has happened in the market, the direction the data is now trending and the relationship between the two. Sentiment is the measurement of what (there are 10 fruit trees on that hillside).

Market sentience is the identification and measurement of WHY the market is the way it is and how it got there. Sentience is the measurement of why and how (those ten trees were planted by my grandfather, by hand, to provide fruit for his family).

Employers and producers (producers of goods and services) alike need an inside resource in order to unravel the millennial mystery, to take charge of their position in the marketplace and to ensure they remain relevant in these changing times.

AwareComm® offers such a resource in the form of a Collaboration Laboratory Research Institute, or Co-Lab™ for short.

The App-ortunity to Affect Real Change

Our Interdependence/Entrepreneurialism is being stolen away. Our cultural maturity is regressing into more control. This is happening because of the influence of technology, the media propaganda, a twisted education system and a push for automation (robotics and the elimination of human workers).

Click the graphic above
to learn more about App-ortunities
- or -
Visit the Microsoft Store
to download your copy now.

The sliver comes out the opposite way from how it came in, but the answer is not to eliminate those things from our lives, as they are just tools for fulfilling the purposeful intentions of another.

AwareComm’s top data scientists developed a new tool for assessing organization culture and for connecting individuals to the resources they need to successfully affect change in their organizations.

Using the power of data science, the functions within App-ortunities helps uncover and define the problem so we can examine ALL the answers and then to choose and implement the best solution as a resolution to the core ailment.

The purpose of the App-ortunities app is to provide a top-down picture of considerations for developing an understanding of individual, collective and organization challenges and for creating accompanying educational content. App-ortunities is an intelligent gateway and pathway to the AwareComm® Collaboration Laboratory (Co-Lab™) resources.

App-ortunities are possibilities and a predecessor to Faith and Hope.

To overcome this problem, we need to develop Entrepreneurial Mindset Skills as part of all of our pre-employment programs.

Thirty years of research and development dedicated to a methodology that explained: How people change (Adaptive Intelligence AdI™), or don’t change (Social Manipulation and Adaptive Resistance (AdR™)) has come to a milestone of social implementation (Business Opportunity).  See the Pocket Wisdom Insights blog site to gain access to over 800 research blogs and articles.

Data Science
Click to read
Data Science and Beyond

When it comes to change, we have two choices:

  • Evolution: The Natural Very Slow Process of Change and Growth or Death
  • Revolution: The Creation of Power, Control, Deceive, Divide and Conquer

A group of Microsoft Data Scientists packaged the research with tested and proven solutions into methodology that is fully compatible with parallel solutions yet maintaining its unique dimensions of qualifying as a Powerful Disruptive Advancement into Microsoft Teams.

Changing our Direction

What can be done to pull the United States of America out of it's nose dive to destruction?

Click to read
Understanding How
We Repeat History


The following text was selected from Understanding How We Repeat History, an eMod eBook™ ePublished in the AwareComm® Collaboration Laboratory (Co-Lab™) Research Institute.

For people caught in the treacherous web of social conditioning (Control Wheel) and have, as a result, cultivated a mindset of Adaptive Resistance (AdR™), a countering process is designed, packaged and implementable.

If AdR™ is the resistance to change then Adaptive Intelligence (AdI™) is the readiness for and acceptance of change that we need in order to take charge of our lives and our organizations.

Through a careful blend of AI + BI + HI + SI the Co-Lab™ Research Institute has the correct balance of technology, methodology, human understanding, spiritual principles and data science to put us on the right track to individual social and cultural empowerment.

See AdI™ in Action – the Steps of Cultural Empowerment…

  • We see choices that we never saw before.
  • We are able to make our own decisions.
  • We are able to experience a sense of courage and well-being without dependency on people, places, and things.
  • We are able to let go of responsibilities for which we have no authority.
  • We are able to feel and accept trust / love from our superiors, peers, and subordinates.
  • Acceptance becomes something we are able to give to our superiors, peers, and subordinates instead of something we seek.
  • Discovery becomes a perspective from which we simply know things to be true, without having the need for understanding or having things proven.

To implement this solution on a global scale the Pope requested the Microsoft develop the ‘Good Algorithm.’ Microsoft agreed. A select group of top data scientists, led by AwareComm®, has delivered this request. Packaged into Microsoft Teams, this algorithm delivers a powerful and most-needed methodology for the world using AI + BI + HI + SI to create AdI™.

Click to read
A Dream Awakened

A pilot program has been selected in Uganda (a country with a history of war and civil divide).

The plan is complete and implementation is in the initial stages.

To learn how to implement this methodology in other countries the Uganda project has invited other entities (faith-based organizations) to join and become part of the most important application of technology for the right reasons.

This technology is delivered through community partnerships with a Collaboration Laboratory (Co-Lab™) Research Institute. The Co-Lab™ Research Institute contributes the founding software, the strategy and the global network.

The founders recognize that with great power comes great responsibility and have taken on the role of auditor to keep track of how the data is collected and used as part of their dedication to social responsibility.

You are Invited

A 2-Billion-dollar 33-year-old
Overnight Socially Responsible Start-up
Collaborative (Co-Lab™) Research Institute

Click to read
Symbiotic Community Partnerships

AwareComm® developed a well-defined, tested strategy and an implementation/application plan. We are now assembling the Start-up dimensions:

  • Socially Responsible Advisory Team
  • Business Advisor Strategy Team
  • Operating Management Team
  • Financial Affiliations

You are invited to a Teams 20/20 Meeting to explore this opportunity further.

We are not asking for help. We are inviting a select group who are dedicated to solving the social, spiritual and economic challenges that our world faces today through implementation of a Co-Lab™ Research Institute.

The Pilot

Click to read
A Dream Awakened

The Pilot in Action

God Can't Be Stopped

Click to read
Finding the Tools
Today's Challenge

Rebuilding a Community
Building a Township
Rebuilding a Nation

Click to read
Agriculture in Uganda

Contact us HERE

Add Your Insight

Take a moment and examine…

  • As you reviewed the material above, what stood out to you?
  • What is the potential impact, economically and/or socially?
  • What action is needed to stop or support this idea?
  • You may want to consider whether you:
    • want to be aware of,
    • should become supportive of,
    • would want to be active in this topic?

I have been impressed with the urgency of doing. Knowing is not enough; we must apply.
Being willing is not enough; we must do.


eMod SocraticQ Conversation

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FOOTNOTE of Importance

Our world is experiencing an incredible revolution powered by technology that has used its tools to:

  • deceive the public
  • disrupt tradition
  • divide the people

This has inadvertently resulted in a Fear-based Shadow Culture™ that has hurt many people.
A powerful group of influence has joined together to deliver a proven antidote by shifting from impersonal development of Artificial Intelligence (AI) to replace people to utilize AI to empower Human Intelligence (HI).


To Empower The People:


Distraction Junction


What is a Modern Hero?:


We invite Heroes and Visionaries
to explore accessing these powerful methodologies and resources
to achieve their individual visions.

Every Perspective Counts
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